01938 559648

Visitors to Yorton will always receive a warm welcome.

Yorton Farm Stud

Poolton House Leighton,
Welshpool, Powys
SY21 8HJ

Call us in the main office: 01938 559 648 or email:

David Futter: 07860 670184

How to find us

Directions from Shrewsbury:

  1. Follow the A5 bypass in the direction of Oswestry. You will reach a roundabout with an exit signed to Welshpool. A458
  2. Take the A458 and follow for approximately 16 miles until you arrive in Buttingdon.
  3. Opposite the Green Dragon Pub in Buttingdon turn left onto B4388 (signed to Leighton)
  4. Follow the B4388 for approx. 3 miles, after Leighton School you will see some iron railings on the left and then a Yorton Farm Stud sign on the next left turn.