Visitors to Yorton will always receive a warm welcome.
Yorton Farm Stud
Poolton House Leighton,
Welshpool, Powys
SY21 8HJ
Call us in the main office: 01938 559 648 or email:
David Futter: 07860 670184
How to find us
Directions from Shrewsbury:
- Follow the A5 bypass in the direction of Oswestry. You will reach a roundabout with an exit signed to Welshpool. A458
- Take the A458 and follow for approximately 16 miles until you arrive in Buttingdon.
- Opposite the Green Dragon Pub in Buttingdon turn left onto B4388 (signed to Leighton)
- Follow the B4388 for approx. 3 miles, after Leighton School you will see some iron railings on the left and then a Yorton Farm Stud sign on the next left turn.